Magnolia champaca (L.) Baill. ex Pierre (= Michelia champaca L.) called as campaka, hamapuapa in ayurveda,\r\nsampangi poo in siddha or tamil. It belongs to the family magnoliaceae, native to the south east asian countries. The natural\r\npopulations are found predominantly in the evergreen and shola forests of the peninsular India. It is also planted throughout\r\nIndia for its aesthetic and medicinal values. In some places it is one of the avenue trees. The flowers have anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic\r\nand anti-inflammatory properties and used in the ailment of ulcer, skin diseases and wounds. It also famed for its aromatic\r\nvolatile oil from flowers, which is used in the perfume industry. Champaka flowers are one of the herbal substances used in\r\nindigenous system of medicine and found as an herbal substance commercially. There is no report on the adulterations found in\r\nthe market sample of M. champaca. In the present study we report the flowers of Magnolia baillonii Pierre (Michelia baillonii\r\n(Pierre) Finet and Gagnep.), as an adulterant found in market samples. Diagnostic and distinguishing characters are also\r\ndescribed to distinguish them. The authentic material is somewhat translucent and devoid of bracts whereas the spurious one is\r\nopaque with abundant bracts.